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Galvanizing lines are divided into types:

  1. Galvanizing lines with  mechanical hand-operated control.
    • Mechanized galvanizing line has the following differences in the control system: with hand-operated galvanizing line the automated operator is controlled by hand controller panel, located on  the automated operator. Galvanizer moves along the galvanizing line, following  the automated operator. 
    • Galvanizing lines with manual control used in low-volume electroplating industry.
  2. Galvanizing lines with semi-automatic control.
    • With semi-automatic galvanizing lines automated operator is controlled by hand controller panel. Galvanizer indicates position number by pressing the appropriate button. Operator is constantly at the same place near the control panel of galvanizing line.
  3. Electrical galvanizing lines with automatic control.
    • Automatic Control System of galvanizing line autooperator is made on the basis of industrial computer system software, it has a display and keyboard for adjustment and commissioning of programs and process parameters. The system allows you to manage autooperator of various programs. Galvanizer’s participation in automatic galvanizing line associated with  loading and  unloading of technological devices and  control of a given program. 
    • Automated galvanizing lines used in mass production of electroplating industry.

To reduce the consumption of water for washing parts in galvanizing lines, as a rule, two-stage washing is provided. This scheme reduces water consumption in 2 - 15 times in comparison with a single stage (one galvanic washing bath).

Low productivity galvanic baths can be equipped with settings for the local flow water clearing that completely eliminates polluted water flushing into drains.

Galvanizing line is completed with frame for placing service traps, common air conduit for connection of local exhaust ventilation devices to all galvanic baths and lines. Automatic galvanizing lines can be equipped with automatic control systems, solution level adjustment devices, electrolytes composition set parameters maintaining system, etc.

Galvanic lines

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